Wednesday 1 October 2014


Happy Orctober Fest!

So Orctober is on us again and I hope very much that once more you will put aside cares for Chaos, desires for dwarves or even urges for undead (unless they are orc undead I guess) and spend a month obsessing about orcs or orks. 

Why I hear you cry. Well first of all I love orcs, they were my first miniature army and are just your best all round bad guy. Secondly around Orctober I always get into gaming doldrums, selfishly a month concentrating on my favorite army sounds like a good plan. Also I really need to make sure I paint some orcs each year, my orc collection is by far my largest and I have some catching up to do in the painting department.

 Finally no other race lends itself to the race/month combo quite like Orctober so it would be a crime not to celebrate such kick-ass serendipity. Oh and finally, finally people seamed to enjoy the theme last year.

So like last year I'm probably going to post out a prize to one random author of a orc or ork (I'll even include other goblinoids at a push) related blog or forum post.  The post should identify itself as part of Orctober and link back to this initial Orctober post. It should also be a meaningful attempt to add something to the community no simple, I like orcs now enter me into a prize draw posts. New material as well guys please. I'll accept anything as meaningful if effort has gone into it art, stories, discussions, reviews, painting, reports and anything else that I think is cool after having seen it.

The prize up for grabs will be somewhat dependent on the communities response. I'm still not decided on that fourth box of Rudlugs, I want to give it away but something stops me. I think I want to be sure they will go to a good home.

So if the community knocks my socks off they will be up for grabs. Even if not I can promise like Paul last year, some vintage lead for someone. One of my first Orctober tasks is to sort through my collection the Orc diaspora in my garage is shocking.

If anyone wants to join in and spread the love by all means offer your own prizes up!

One more thing. Zhu has kindly allowed us to use his painting from last year as a sort of banner for the month see the top of this post. Stick this in the top of any Orctober post you make and we will all know you are joining in.

OK first task, organise my orc collection.


  1. I'm ready !

    1. First in, well done Assless!

    2. And Entry ready !

  2. I'm in. I was going to post about Orctober, glad you are doing it again.

    1. Hi Erny, finally got my post in here:

      If we're posting links.

    2. Look forward to seeing what you have for us Sean. Nothing in 1:72?

    3. Now that you mention it, I have loads of unfinished 1/72. I've dusted them off and will have something.

  3. great stuff! begs the question, when is an army/collection ever finished?!

    1. Never! Least ways with Orcs there are still sculpts I want in my army so while perhaps not limitless it could last a decent amount of my life. Oh look at least 20 years already.

  4. I'll have to dig through the lead pile for some teefy fellows, otherwise I'd be stretching the definition of Orctober by painting some hobgobs or scabbies.

    1. Scabbies for the win, paint two and you've effectively painted a whole orc.

  5. Getting my post ready for later tonight (its the son's BIG Derby day in soccer for his high school). So we are a bit busy, but I have something Scaly ;) And I've been waiting for Orctober - especially since our event is so close and on the 25th! Thanks for doing it again.

    1. Kaleb join in if you have time but you have much bigger things to prepare for your side of the pond. Pity I can't move Orctober to help you guys out but Norcvember just sounds rude. (and yes I have made that joke before but I get to write Norc.)

    2. I do, but i also want to move my blog forward, more posts, more battle reports and lots more hobby. I've been so busy that it has kinda fallen aside. But more after October 26th ;) But it is all goos, and hopefully will send good healing vibes to Kev! but here is my first blog for the month -

  6. I have been waiting for this to begin my Orktober RT Bad Moon clan! I've got a whole box of mint, on sprues original 80s plastic Space Orks which are getting made and painted dammit! :)

    1. Love bad moons look forward to seeing what you do with them. I vaguely remember sculpting the hood/cap things on my plastic badmoons and then never painting them.

  7. Erny -
    Harpy Orctober! Thanks for spearheading this!
    My first Orctober post just went up (on the evolution of the Orc from Tolkient to the present):

    1. Happy orctober to you as well. Great post by the way. But I'll write my thoughts on your blog..

  8. Your post has inspired me to both paint up some Orcs and secondly to show images of my Orc force. I'll be posting images throughout the month.


    1. Look forward to seeing your Orcs, I assume you mean other than your Flintlock ones which look great by the way. I'm happy to include black powder orcs in the definition of what is celebrated by Orctober.

  9. I'd love to join in, too. Unfortunately I don't currently own anything Green, so I'm putting a shout out to fellow bloggers to spread the word and make this as community driven an event as I can make it.

    Cheers. Roy

    1. That's a nice community spin on the idea, can you assemble and paint a force before November?

    2. A force ... By November! Sorry, I seem to of misread the whole Orctober thing.
      I thought it was just painting up a few orcs and posting them up on my blog.
      I couldn't paint up a whole army in a year :)

      Oh well, if I've got it wrong, never mind. I'll still take part, but only in a much smaller way.
      I've made shout outs for this event, and mentioned that I was looking for spare orc models from bloggers, that I would purchase from them. So far, I've a blogging friend offering to send me some orcs / goblinoids as a gift, and a Swedish gentleman offering me an orc boar chariot.

      I'm already taking part in the Zomtober zombie event, this month, so I thought adding in a few greenskins would liven up the (no pun intended) painting area.

    3. A force doesn't have a numerical value does it?

      A few figures is very much in the spirit of things.

    4. Okay, I'm officially aboard and have put up a link to this event on my blog. Thanks for the explanation.

  10. Gork's great, furry bollocks! It's Orktober and here am in Godammitstan with scarcely an Orc to hand! I shall have to get creative...

    1. Write a story or something. Nothing orcy excluded.

  11. I'm onboard too Erny! Great idea...

  12. Happy Orctober Erny - here's my first foray into all things Orcy!

    1. Great post Thantsants. Look forward to more lead too.

  13. I felt I missed out last Orctober but somehow seem to have gathered a larger-than-I-thought horde of the blighters in the meantime. Here's my starting point for Orctober.

    1. Nice warband, how much are you going to get done.

  14. Happy Orctober! Really enjoying all the orcy goodness abounding this year. Some random musings on the Ploobisian Orc.

    1. Commented oh your blog but anyone reading this that hasn't checked out Zhu's post, go their now for muppet mayhem.

  15. Hi there! I saw this on Gingerbhoy's Blog and thought it looked like fun.

    I have started working on some Warhammer 40K Ork vehicles.

    1. Look forward to seeing some paint on these guys.

    2. Thanks Erny. No paint yet, but I do have another post updating the work in progress on the buggies and wartrakks.

  16. Hello Erny,

    I followed the link from Sean's blog through to you. I started my blog in April to get my Orc army painted for the Council of War event in WHW. I will join your crusade and endeavour to paint you an Orc so fine that you will bequeath me your Ruglud's Orcs. They were the first box set I bought back when I was twelve and have some how managed to lose them and my ebay dipping has not gone well.
    I will drop you a link once I have my post up.
    Very good luck with Orctober

    1. Even the modern stuff can look good huh? Nice army.

    2. Thanks Erny, I am painting the original Ruglud that a friend gave me for Orctober. I will post when I have got it done!

  17. Hi Erny,
    I've gotten around to adding to the Orctober fest with an initial blog on some of my past, present and future Orcish happenings.

    The painted Orc made a brief appearance at BOYL after a Goblin Shaman conjured him as an Illusion for my Shadows of Rensburg game.

    Looking forward to more of Orctoberfest!

    1. Looking really nice Stuart look forward to seeing the warband develop.

    2. Cheers Erny. Before I develop the current warband I've updated my blog with pics from my last O&G army... Take a look.

  18. I have just posted images of my 28 year old Orc army on my Blog. This is the first time that these figures have down from the attic in over 20 years and have now been cleaned up and photographed, all because of this post.


  19. What a great idea.
    It's a very tempting prospect, but I want to finish off my Skaven army first. After that I might switch to painting up more 1980's Orcs to my existing army in order to push it up to a 6,000 point list for gaming against Justin of the Masterwork Guild blog. I also want to get back to painting Goblins, but that will take longer than the October.
    I am tempted to do a small autumnal Orc force to match my Wood Elf one, all dressed in Browns and Oranges, if I get time.
    It's great though, as it has got me looking at mthe lovely old Orcs models again. I'll put a link up to 'Orctober' on my blog when I update this evening. Best of luck with it all. :)

  20. I'm in too... Orctober should see the first paint thrown down onto my Marauder Orc army. So far there are 70 (ish) orcs and 40 (ish) goblins lined up on the painting trays ready for action ( Thanks for the inspiration.

  21. Hey Erny,

    Just finished my contribution to Orctober over on my blog,

    Though, after seeing the calibre some of the other's articles, I think mine will win for sure :D


  22. Hi Erny,
    Great you're running this again.
    After last year's skin painting guide, I'm going to try and create a warboss kitbash and painting:

  23. Happy Orctober, Erny!
    A Brazilian post:

  24. Happy Orctober! Just posted about painting my 2nd-13th greenskins (some lovely little Blood Bowl Snotlings). Thanks for providing the motivation to get them done!
