We did go to Framlingham Castle which is always good, a first time for my boys too.
I read Lamentations, C. J. Sansoms 2014 historical crime novel from front to back. It's a good bit of fun set in the final months of Henry VIII's reign. It has really put me in the mood for some WHFRP.
But no little orcs to be held in my hand. But thanks to my Brother in law and intrepid world wide birder extrodinare I did witness the saving of a Little Auk. Not rare at sea these little birds are rare in land, even on the coast. My eldest son is bird mad so was over the moon to see this Orc, erm Auk transported safely back to the sea. Until they get out of the surf they can be prey to herring gulls a few of which were buzzing about but readers will be happy to know that Gauk and Mauk looked kindly on the little fella and he was soon speeding through the deeper water out to sea.
It means my Boysz haven't been finished so I've decided to keep entries to the Orctober prize give away open until I'm done myself. I really should post up what I'm giving away this year.