Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Orctober is here!

Orctober comes but once a year.
Now it's here, now it's here.
Bringing lots of Crump'n and Orcy fear. Ra ra ra ra ra.

No sooner has Boyl finished then I find the slump sets in. You can see it over numerous blogs, around September they just sort of dry up for a bit.  That's where Orctober comes in. Its a green skinned kick up the behind yelling, "Ger on wid it yar stoopid Umie." Least ways that why I like it and yes its orc themed. I'm going to be starting and hopefully finishing a number of Orcy projects over the month and I hope you'll join me just like the past two years. So have you got a unit that needs painting, a battle that needs playing and writing up, views on orc rules and game play or some art work or stories that need sharing?

I'd love to hear from you, post it on your blog or forum of preference and let me know. For my part I'll see if I can dig out some prizes like past years.

Links to the first days of previous years Orctobers:


  1. Yay! My favourite time of year! Time to hang a string of elves on the festal tree! To roast fresh dwarves on the open fire!

    I'm hoping to get some old school mutant goblins painted by the end of the month... and stay tuned for a showcase of an orcish fleet for Man O'War.

    (By the way, great Orctober illustration, Erny!)

    1. All sounds very interesting, can't beat some mutant goblins and I look forward to seeing how your painting style works on Man O'War.

      Glad you like the illustration, I'm trying to get better at the line drawn B&W style and doing it on the computer is a whole different kettle of fish.

      I'm off to mull some halflings.

  2. Replies
    1. Looking forward to seeing your 3000 points Mr. Mouse!

  3. My first reaction to reading the title of this blog post is not appropriate to repeat here :)

    I can't believe how fast it's come around again!

    I've got quite a bit on my table at the moment, but I'll see what I can do.

    Oh, and have you had a chance to play the RBT01 box Erny?

    Cheers :)

    1. I know, they will probably have the Orctober decorations out in July next year, it just happens sooner and sooner each year.

      Oh and you can squeeze in a little green skins project can't you?

  4. Replies
    1. I take it you are joining in then. And this from an avowed non-green skin!

  5. Looking forward to seeing the green hordes appear on this and other blogs.

    1. Maybe you can get your goblin riders painted up for those long nosed wolves of yours. No pressure though Thistlewood comes first.

  6. Yay! or should that be "waaargh"? Hmm. Maybe not. Here's a sneak peak at my current orcish obsession

    1. I started off scared of them when I first saw this as an impressionable young kid in the '80s. Then I hated them as some cheap trick for animation, how could people fail to see he was just painting over a film of a man in a bad costume. Now I have more of an appreciation of them, they are still ugly in both form and function but then that's sort of the point.

  7. Yay! Here's my first entry:
    Happy Orctober fest to all!

    1. The first to get something posted well done Javier.

  8. I just posted my first Orctober post. There will be more to come.

  9. ERE WE GO, ERE WE GO, etc, etc.

    Blog post here

    1. Great contribution RV, can we hope to see some more thisd month?

  10. God damn you & your motivational arse kicking posts! I thought I had a free ride for the rest of the year. I'm gunna try and finish my space orks that I began earlier in the year....but never finished.

    Cheers for the push Erny, we kinda need them from time to time in this hobby don't we :)

    1. Here's my entry for Orctober Erny,

      Before December....l promise :p

  11. A slightly late start this year, but I've put together an Orc warband, led by Jugnugg Igg, using your very own warband generator and also painted my first Orc for it:

    It may be finished for next Orctober, we'll see!

  12. I missed this post when it was originally aired. I've done one Orc thus far for Orctober. you can see it here.

    I just painted over the old color blocking on one I had lying around. Hopefully I'll get some more in before the end of the month.
