So what’s this? An article about uber tactics
and list design for 3rd ed orcs? Well, no, for one thing I think the
choice of troops you have in your army should be down to you, what do you like
the look of, story behind or simply in your collection. Having said that you
can’t go wrong taking boys, lots of boys. I also don’t think that 3rd
leans itself to the concept of good or bad builds. As to tactics you won’t find
any advice on tricks and cleaver ploys to use the rules to your advantage. No
the following is more about being a good opponent and giving a good game. It is
about how to wield the amorphous bludgeon that is an orc horde in a solid orc-like
manner. It is the sound advice an Orc warlord would bestow on the strongest and
brightest of his offspring.
With his army arrayed across the vale, boys
drinking and bragging, preparing for battle Ashcan looked down at the young
orcling. Ashcan believed he was probably from the second whelping with that
buxom Sawtooth female the one with the large… Anyway the little runt’s
observations showed promise, at the very least he’d noticed you have to keep
the gobs away from the boys if you don’t want the jealous little snots stabbing
your boys in the back. He booted Stinky Fred in his boney goblin posterior.
“Getchur arse dan der an tell them Blood skull boys ta come in ta da centa
more, I don’t care if theys want the ale frum da Inn day are gett’n outta posishun.”
first and perhaps the most important part of taking your army to battle is how
you deploy. Mistakes made here last for the whole battle and can often be the
difference between winning and losing or to give it a less win at all costs
spin, the difference between giving your opponent a good game or a walk in the
Green Skins arrayed with races nicely grouped. |
that should be the very first subject we talk about shouldn’t it. Sort of. We
cannot consider deployment before first understanding the major limitation of
the goblinoid army, animosity. Understanding how animosity works is the key to
ensuring your army does more or less what you ask it to. A good orc general
would understand these principals too so there is a narrative, RPG element to
the following comment and advice.
works with a die roll the lower the better, above a certain number (look it up
in the book, I can’t give exact rules out here now can I) things get
interesting. The amount rolled on the dice is increased by certain modifiers
and importantly decreased by an leaders LD bonus.
the golden rules for not getting completely nerfed by animosity are:
1 ) Include leaders
with at least a +1 Ld bonus wherever possible.
2 ) Ensure if
possible all troops can see the enemy.
3 ) Try to ensure
troops ahead of other troops are not directly in front.
4 ) Try to ensure
troops of different races are not too close to each other or have leaders with
very good LD bonuses.
5 ) If they are in
your army and you can work it usefully into your deployment use black orcs to
dampen any possible animosity.
we should look at what assets we have, however you build your army you are
going to have a solid infantry base, a regular orc is better than a human for
the same points and even a spear-gobo is deadly if backed up by enough of his
tribe. You will probably have a strong selection of peripheral troops
too, decent skirmishers if used in large numbers, fast cavalry and possibly
even good enough heavy cavalry. You also have numbers, orcs get a great
deal points wise because of animosity which as we now know need not hinder the
orc general with some brains in his noggin.
with is all in mind we can consider how an Orc general may deploy his forces to
ensure victory. The obvious tactic that springs to mind is the double
envelopment quite possible to pull off with only boys in your army! Used by Hannibal at Cannae this is often classically pulled off with a force smaller than your
opponent. With your boys however there is a very good chance you will outnumber
your opponent so the double envelopment employed will look more like the ,
“buffalo horn”, envelopment of the Zulus.
Use your numbers to stretch your opponent to ridiculous weakness or allow him
to concentrate and bring your flanks round whilst initially refusing your
The dwarves at the bottom are ready to be enveloped by the Orcs notice the strong units on the flanks. |
If you
prefer to go cavalry heavy perhaps a leaf out of old Alexander’s book is called
for, the Hammer and anvil is I guess a single envelopment using your cavalry to
get round the enemies back whilst pinning with your boys, make sure you have
superiority of numbers in cavalry even if not quality.
two tactics will serve you well and the one can morph into the other as need
dictates. But what if the other army is also a horde and can adequately defend
his flanks and support his centre with numbers.
I’m looking at you Skaven and Brettonians. Well here again we have an
advantage, animosity. Animosity is a major headache if you allow it to happen
so good quality troops get a major point reduction. If we don’t allow animosity
to ruin our day we end up with a horde of good quality troops. Yes it takes marshaling but what do you think the great brutes of leaders in each unit are
for? It will be a straight pitched battle but even here we can take the
initiative and attack where we like with confidence. There will be weak spots
in any horde army but Orcs, take advantage of that. Most of all though, have fun and crump the stunties.